Our ambition
It’s to offer you quality products based on nature and its benefits.
From Montpellier in the south of France, we design and manufacture our cosmetics with a high content of organic ingredients and active ingredients.
Because we believe in green, effective beauty at a fair price!
Nos Produits
Our commitments

Organic cosmetics
sensorial and effective
at affordable prices

Cosmébio certified
99% of our ingredients are natural

Respectful of nature
and animals

Made in Montpellier
by our little hands
Le Journal

Coconut oil
All you need to know about this magic ingredient

Zoom sur le double nettoyage
Avantages et bienfaits de cette routine. On vous dit tout sur le double nettoyage.

Gommage et masque
Astuces et conseils pour composer votre rituel de soin et redonner de l'éclat à votre peau